The Northwest Maritime Center would like to invite you to participate in our second annual Maritime Career Fair! Part of the work in creating programs that support the upcoming maritime workforce is connecting families and students in our region to maritime experiences and careers. Often, we find ourselves answering the same questions: What is maritime? What do maritime careers look like? What educational opportunities do you need …
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Connectivity Summit, March 7-9, 2025
Thank you for participating in the 2024 Job and Trades Fair (JTF) and a big shout-out to Skillmation for launching this important event! For 2025 we are making some exciting changes and we hope you will be interested in participating! Due to student and school administration feedback we have expanded the JTF and are …
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A list of Maritime Holiday Events
Northwest Seaport Chantey Sing Friday, December 13, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Seattle Sing sailing songs with a free in-person and remote hybrid choir, hosted at the Center for Wooden Boats Wagner Education Center. Seattle Christmas Ship Parade of Boats Friday, December 13, 8:00 pm Brightly decorated boats will convene in Lake Union and begin their …
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2025 National Working Waterfront Network Conference Feb 4-6 2025
Just a reminder as the date nears – if you have a mind to participate in the bigger picture, this may be a good opportunity to do so. 2025 National Working Waterfront Network Conference Our working waterfronts face unprecedented challenges from climate change, economic pressures, and the ever-evolving needs of coastal communities. The 2025 NWWN …
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“”FISH EXPO”” join the double sized Port booth 11/20-22
CONTACT Pat Mahon or Harbormaster: Kristian Ferrero to find out when vehicles are heading to and from Seattle for the Pacific Marine Expo. The Port has generously rented a double booth so as to include space for our marine trades business representatives who may not have the budget for their own booth. EXPO dates are …
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Marine Trades Seminar Thurs. Nov. 21, 5PM Cotton Building
This is a very informative session about hazardous waste management and the science behind it. We recommend attendance. Click on poster to see larger image. Greetings Seafarers and Landlubbers alike! The Marine Trades Seminar is upon us! Thursday November 21st from 5-6:30 pm, at the Cotton Building in Port Townsend (607 Water St, Port Townsend, …
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Annual General Membership Meeting NOVEMBER 12th @5:30PM
Hello Members, We have our annual yearly membership meeting coming up on November 12th from 6:30-7:30pm at the Nomura Building. The PTMTA currently has one unfilled position and three seats coming due at the end of this year. Do folks out there have anyone they’d like to nominate, or offer themselves up to fill a …
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Last Chance Regatta Oct. 26th
3. LAST CHANCE REGATTA: SAT., OCT. 26 A new idea, the final fling wingding of the Port Townsend Sailing Association’s busy seasonal calendar, the LCR is promoted as being in the same informality and spirit as the Shipwright’s Regatta, the PTSA’s “first” chance regatta each year. Open to any sailing thing afloat and “first floater …
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Information: City of PT 20 year comprehensive plan / inspection and permitting portal
This event happened on September 19th but the information is now being posted in case you are attempting to permit a home or commercial building. Please see the below information to understand what is being offered by the city and who to contact. Comprehensive Plan at the Boat Yard: Join City of Port Townsend staff …
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PTSA has a NEW EVENT for the final race of the year.
Check it out along with other sailing opportunities coming up. Other Upcoming Events The Small Boat Regatta is going on now (Aug 24-25). The Thunderbird Regional Regatta is next weekend (Labor Day). The Wooden boat festival 26′ and under race and the Schooner race are on Sept 6/7. PTSA volunteers will be running the races …
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Off Center Harbor gathering September 7th
This is a very boat builder, boat-lover-centric gathering on the Saturday afternoon of Wooden Boat Festival, just outside of the actual festival at the Pope Marine Building. [The NWSWB] is partnering with for a big ol’ Happy Hour event. Come have a beer on us! A great time to talk shop, boats, tools, reconnect …
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Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses – Basics and Latest Trends 8/8/24
SCORE free workshop Social media can be a powerful tool for small business owners to market their products and services directly to their customers. However, social media can also be overwhelming. Which platform do you post on? How often should you post? What do you post and when? FULL DESCRIPTION HERE Date & Time: August …
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2025 National Working Waterfront Network Conference 2/4-6/2025
It seems like a long way off but if you have a mind to participate in the bigger picture, this may be a good opportunity to do so. 2025 National Working Waterfront Network Conference Our working waterfronts face unprecedented challenges from climate change, economic pressures, and the ever-evolving needs of coastal communities. The 2025 NWWN …
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