A brief but informative article from 48′ North. Click the image to read.
Latest News
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/off-season-boating-winterizing-check-list/
2025 Board of Trustee election is underway.
The PTMTA hosted its 2024 Annual General Membership meeting on November 12th. The event covered some important topics in detail, plus guest speakers that included Eron Berg, Port of PT, Ellie DiPietro of the JC Historical Society, and Chrissy McLean of the NWMC, More on their projects soon. Our annual meeting is generally a time …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/2025-board-of-trustee-election-is-underway/
“”FISH EXPO”” join the double sized Port booth 11/20-22
CONTACT Pat Mahon or Harbormaster: Kristian Ferrero to find out when vehicles are heading to and from Seattle for the Pacific Marine Expo. The Port has generously rented a double booth so as to include space for our marine trades business representatives who may not have the budget for their own booth. EXPO dates are …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/fish-expo-join-the-double-sized-port-booth-1120-22/
‘Tis Renewal Time
Please JOIN or RENEW your membership with the PTMTA for the 2025 year. When renewals are early, our annual printed brochure can hit the shelves and welcome bags sooner! The PTMTA has also maintained a low membership rate of $50 to make it equally simple for businesses large and small. When the need hits for …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/tis-renewal-time/
Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Releases Survey on Marine Mammal Deterrents
September 23, 2024 NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee requests your input to help assess the effectiveness of marine mammal deterrents. NOAA’s Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC) has released a survey to gather knowledge and perceptions about the nature of marine mammal interactions and use of deterrents currently employed by commercial, recreational, and tribal fishermen; aquaculture farmers; …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/marine-fisheries-advisory-committee-releases-survey-on-marine-mammal-deterrents/
Marine Trades Seminar Thurs. Nov. 21, 5PM Cotton Building
This is a very informative session about hazardous waste management and the science behind it. We recommend attendance. Click on poster to see larger image. Greetings Seafarers and Landlubbers alike! The Marine Trades Seminar is upon us! Thursday November 21st from 5-6:30 pm, at the Cotton Building in Port Townsend (607 Water St, Port Townsend, …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/marine-trades-seminar-thurs-nov-21-5pm-cotton-building/
Correction: PTMTA Annual meeting STARTS AT 5:30pm 11/12
CORRECTION to last week’s post title. SEE YOU THERE! November 12th from 5:30-7:30pm at the Nomura Building located at 385 BENEDICT Street across from Harborside Inn. (Downstairs) The PTMTA currently has one unfilled position and three seats coming due at the end of this year. Do folks out there have anyone they’d like to …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/annual-general-membership-meeting-starts-at-600pm-1112/
Official WA Boater Card Class 11/16 all day.
DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WA STATE BOATER EDUCATION CARD LAW? Click the image below to understand it better. The course is rather fun even for newbies and can be an informative and useful refresher for experienced boaters. The US has a high number of operator error caused fatalities on the water. (Just watch a few …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/official-wa-boater-card-class-1116-all-day/
VOTE by Tuesday November 5th
Democracy can only improve if we all participate. Register (Voter.votewa.gov) and also check your ballot status if you have already voted. Current Election information: https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/voters/helpful-information/current-election-information. Remember you can walk into our friendly courthouse through security at the side entrance and ask for help. There is a lot of twisted information out there. Beware of over …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/vote-by-tuesday-november-5th/
USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series 7: 11/6/24 11am local time online
This looks like a free session. USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series 7: New Technology in Electric, Fuel, Capacity, and Flotation November 6, 2:00pm-4:00pm (ET), online As technology evolves, so too must the methods by which it’s regulated for the sake of safety. Join us at Risk Mitigation Series 7 to hear from the U.S. Coast Guard, …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/uscgabyc-risk-mitigation-series-7-11624-11am-local-time-online/
Port meeting November 13, 2024
November 13: 9:30 a.m. Commission Workshop, 1:00 Regular Commission Meeting recent meeting materials: 10/22/24 Special Business Meeting Packet Agenda Public Comment 2025 Budget Cover Memorandum Video 10/10/24 Special Intergovernmental Collaborative Group Meeting 5 p.m. Agenda Spec. Meeting Agenda Notice Video available through Jeffco BOCC 10/9/24 Public Workshop 9:30 a.m. No Packet Agenda Meeting …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/11/port-meeting-november-13-2024/
Annual General Membership Meeting NOVEMBER 12th @5:30PM
Hello Members, We have our annual yearly membership meeting coming up on November 12th from 6:30-7:30pm at the Nomura Building. The PTMTA currently has one unfilled position and three seats coming due at the end of this year. Do folks out there have anyone they’d like to nominate, or offer themselves up to fill a …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/annual-general-membership-meeting-november-12th-630pm/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/happy-halloween/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/job-lady-washington/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/aboard-western-flyeran-inspiration-once-again/
Small Business organization: ORIA
The ORIA Information Center Team ( https://www.oria.wa.gov/site/alias__oria/368/Home.aspx ) Let us do the research for you! We offer an experienced team familiar with owning a small business, working for regulatory agencies, and ready to connect you with reliable information and valuable resources. Our service is free! Contact the IC Team at 800-917-0043 or email help@business.wa.gov or …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/5021/
A Beginners guide…on a boat.. Plus..
Woodenboat Magazine’s Mastering Skills is promoting their Guide to Maritime Customs and Traditions starting with the article below. This magazine has a long tradition of highlighting boats and skills relevant to the work that happens in Boat Haven and surrounding areas everyday. However; print magazines are struggling. This subscription series could help to keep them …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/a-beginners-guide-on-a-boat-plus/
The Small Business Guide
… The Small Business Guide is broken into six sections, based on your stage of business and the kind of information you need. Plan – If you’ve never owned a business before, you may be unaware of all the things you need to get your business going. Careful planning and research will improve your chances …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/the-small-business-guide/
Open Enrollment is Coming! (Health Insurance)
… Open enrollment (Nov. 1 – Jan. 15) is when Washingtonians, regardless of immigration status, can sign up for health and dental insurance on Washington Healthplanfinder for the following plan year. On Washington Healthplanfinder, Washingtonians can shop, compare, and select an individual plan that fits their budget and health care needs. Monthly savings are available …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/open-enrollment-is-coming-health-insurance/
Packed Port of PT agenda OCT 22 @5:30pm Special Business Meeting
Get to this meeting or send in public comment if you have anything to say about the Agenda topics. Commission Special Business Meeting By Port of Port Townsend on Oct 18, 2024 05:43 pm The Agenda and Meeting Materials for the Special Business Meeting of the Port Commission on October 22 has been posted. At …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/packed-port-of-pt-agenda-oct-22-special-business-meeting/