Epoxy Works is a magazine produced by WEST SYSTEM INC and features an array of projects and information related to the uses of epoxy. Education is a huge part of the company’s mission and this magazine is free and largely filled with user content. Click the image to access their new website/digital magazine.
News Category: Printables
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/12/epoxy-works-a-free-magazine-about-epoxy/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/10/fall-port-report/
Working Waterfronts Photo Contest-enter by 5/24
As a Network, we are all about sharing resources and knowledge, so we are kicking off a photo-sharing contest to build up a public photo library of working waterfront images. The photo library will be accessible to all in an effort to support initiatives and showcase the diversity of working waterfronts across the country. Don’t …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2024/04/working-waterfronts-photo-contest-enter-by-524/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/09/thursday-sept-28th-boat-yard-bbq/
HazMat Collection Event at Port-sometime end of September
From Port Environmental Specialist Kimberlie Webber: Hello all, I know the closing of MRW has been hard on A LOT of you. I promise you that I am doing my best to find a disposal program that works for us here at the Port. I have [tentatively] scheduled the company Crystal Clean to come out …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/08/hazmat-collection-event-at-port-sometime-end-of-september/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/07/working-waterfront-publication/
Seeking Real World Readiness partners
The PTMTA supported the NWMC in applying for a grant to create Real Word Readiness programs for local youth. Please see Robin Mills’ letter below and the PDF attached. Maritime businesses participating are doing their part to inspire our future workforce in the trades. Thank you. Partnership roles vary depending upon the organization. I will …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/02/seeking-real-world-readiness-partners/
Please Share PTMTA Latest News sign up
Please sign up for the PTMTA weekly Blog updates. This is a marine trades resource for all of our Marine Trades Community to make use of. You can also send us your announcements to post so we can help you get the word out. Once signed up, one email every Sunday, will arrive to your …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/01/please-share-ptmta-latest-news-sign-up/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/01/january-port-report-pdf/
Moderate and hazardous waste collection event soon
It is time to get your hazardous waste ready for collection at scheduled events. Book mark this web page and register your participation. BUSINESSES: https://jeffersoncountysolidwaste.com/hazardous-waste/hazardous-waste-businesses/ BUSINESSES NEED TO REGISTER FOR THE JANUARY 20th EVENT in BOAT HAVEN; USE THE FORM HERE and read all the information on that form. RESIDENTIAL: https://jeffersoncountysolidwaste.com/hazardous-waste/ – – Print and …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2023/01/moderate-and-hazardous-waste-collection-event-soon/
Renewal letters are in the mail
If your business recognizes the value of the Economic Impact Study, Industry marketing and education, and our efforts to make your voices heard by local and state decision makers, please consider making additional donations above our $50 membership. The full service boatyards and the sole proprietors all pay the same to be members in an …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/12/reneal-letters-are-in-the-mail/
Annual General Membership Meeting
Members and colleagues, you are invited to join the PTMTA on Wednesday November 16th at 5:30PM in the Nomura Building on Benedict Street for our annual general membership meeting. We will have Pizza, salad and snacks, basic beverage and you are welcome to bring your own beverage as well. We will gather at 5:30 socially …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/11/annual-general-membership-meeting/
Blue Economy report from Coastal States Org.
Sharing this email from NOAA’s office for Coastal Management. If you have questions or thoughts about the content of this report, please contact Kenneth Walker directly (please cc the PTMTA) or the PTMTA for forwarding. We have many stake holders amongst us and our voice needs to reach the right ears. The Coastal States Organization …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/09/blue-economy-report-from-coastal-states-org/
2022 PTMTA Brochure pdf
Please look for the bright yellow PTMTA Brochures at Admiral Ship Supply, Marine Thrift, The Port Office, The Point Hudson office, in a rack outside of the PTMTA office at the Nomura Building, Edensaw Woods, PT Rigging, the Chamber, and other public facing businesses. Need some for your business? Please let us know. In an …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/08/2022-ptmta-brochure-pdf/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/08/noaa-fisheries-new-proposal/
County Commissioner Mid-Year update
Attendees of the July 15th Chamber Cafe received a live presentation from County Commissioner Heidi Eisenhour. The presentation featured mid-year updates on county projects and progress. With Commissioner Eisenhour’s permission, the Chamber has shared the PDF of her update and the recorded Chamber Cafe will be live soon. Click here to see the PDF: Chamber …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/07/county-commissioner-mid-year-update/
BMP’s = an open working waterfront
Kimberlie Webber, the Port of PT’s “Environmental Officer”, gave a presentation to the PTMTA board in May. She wants to get the word out that she is here to help and to educate, not to police our boat yard. Keeping hazardous materials from escaping into the air and into the ground is critical for the …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/05/bmps-an-open-working-waterfront/
JeffCo Recycling Changes-New Flyer
Changes coming to Jefferson County’s Recycling Program on June 1, 2022. Read the press release for more info. View the NEW 2022 Recycling flyer. Visit the Recycling Changes page to learn more. It is a good idea to print the flyer and post it on shop walls for easy reference. The marine trades deal in …
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/05/jeffco-recycling-changes-new-flyer/
Permanent link to this article: https://ptmta.org/wp/news/2022/04/free-proboat-task-sheet-by-local-epoxy-professional/