The Economic Impact of the Marine Trades in Jefferson County

Photo by Bill Curtsinger

Spurred on by the national trend of gentrification of historical working waterfronts, the PTMTA has commissioned Martin Associates to document the value and importance of the marine trade industries in Jefferson County by means of an economic study.

View the full report

View the executive summary

RENEW OR JOIN!  We have kept our membership at $50 to make it simple for everyone but if you are a larger employer or supporter who can afford more, your extra donations would help us actually cover increasing operating costs and enable us to do more for the community.

NEW MEMBER APPLICATION that can also be used to renew and update existing member information.

Nominate a new Trustee! Nominees need to have a Marine Trades Business and will be expected to maintain PTMTA membership.

Donate to our designated funds. As a 501C6, the PTMTA is not able to provide tax deductible receipt. Our board of Trustees manages funding judiciously. Thank you.



Local Port Townsend station KPTZ presented an episode detailing the report’s release

“July 23rd, 2018, on the Compass radio news program, we hear about how the lifeblood of this community – its marine trades – are being threatened. We also learn how this affects everybody within the sound of my voice, whether you’re connected to the marine trades or not. And then we listen to experts explain what they intend to do about it, as presented to the community on July 12, 2018.”

Listen to the KPTZ Compass Episode


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