Click on Jobs Postings to see what’s on offer. Email us to post your maritime jobs. Let us know when jobs are filled. Don’t see your job posted? Please contact ptmarinetrades (at) We aim to keep this page updated and relevant. Many thanks!
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EDC free Resource Roundtable 3.17.22
To join the EDC Team Jefferson’s Resource Roundtable on March 17th on ZOOM, learn more HERE. Meet Rick & Micah from the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship. Find out about their no-cost programs, how they may be able to help you develop your business ideas, launch a small business, and manage it over time. “CIE’s Community …
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JeffCo JOB FAIR -call for MT businesses to participate
JeffCO Job & Trades Fair, May 26, Chimacum HS— Call for MT businesses to Participate: This Fair is a collaboration between all 3 East Jefferson High Schools:, plus and end of day time for the general public. Connecting home grown talent with our home gown businesses. The Job & Trades Fair will showcase 60+ companies …
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New Grants for Small Businesses
The Chamber’s Community Development Fund Grants are locally funded and the application is straightforward. The PTMTA successfully utilized a similar grant last year to create this blog. This is for the next round of grants: Grow Your Own Opportunity Grant Chamber of Jefferson County Community Development Fund 2022 Grant 1 Grow Your Own Opportunity Grant …
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JOBS; Edensaw, Shipwright’s, NWMC, Level Sky
If you have not looked at the PT Leader this week…. Edensaw Woods is looking for Warehouse and Millhouse Assistants. The Port Townsend Shipwright’s Co-op needs a Full Charge Bookkeeper. The NW Maritime Center is looking to fill several positions, including a Summer Program Coordinator, and a Summer Sailing Instructor. Level Sky Bright Work on …
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Port Biz: Feb. 24th Hotsheet
Keep abreast of what the Port is working on and the decisions they are making. If you missed the Feb 23rd commission meeting, Here is the Port’s own synopsis. The full details are found in the Agenda and minutes and by listening to the meeting audio. The latest “Hotsheet” : Please note a correction …
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Today an email showed up in the inboxes of our membership unbeknownst to the PTMTA board. Please DELETE IT. This scam was rather clever but it had a few red flags: The return email was not ours but looked like it could have been. Our Gmail is ptmarinetrade@ It was not signed by the secretary …
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Port Commission Meeting Feb.23
By Port of Port Townsend on Feb 18, 2022 12:19 pm The Agenda and Materials for the Meeting of the Port of Port Townsend Commission on February 23, 2022 have been posted. The Port Commission has a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 23rd at 5:30 p.m. Commissioners will be considering Airport Engineering Professional Services & …
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