Photo by Bill Curtsinger

OCH Maritime Story-telling

Though based in Maine, Off Center Harbor’s team of videographers and story tellers include a few of our own PNW characters. They have documented many of our local boats, boat shops and personalities. They are an incredible resource for a range of videos to do with boats, boat building, & trades people. They are always interested in new stories so connecting with Nate Rooks and Steve Stone is the first step to getting your story told on this platform that is popular worldwide. They also regularly come to the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival. Having worked with them on several projects, this editor can say that they are easy and fun to work with. Here is a heartfelt remembrance of a Maine boat builder, Peter Chase. Seems like an opportunity to share as we remember those we have lost from our own community in recent years. or click the image.Off Center Harbor is a membership website. Getting their emails is a nice way to be notified of new videos and watch previews.

Posted by Ashlyn Brown

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