November 30, 2022
Immediate Opening: Winter Deckhand
Sound Experience aboard the schooner Adventuress is hiring for a winter deckhand. The position involves both carrying out routine shipboard maintenance and working with volunteers.
The Adventuress is in very good condition after extensive restoration and needs professional maintenance to keep her in such beautiful shape. This year the bulk of the work will focus on routine care of wood on the weather deck, as well as overhauling rigging. Also in the works are replacing fresh water tanks and building a new fores’l.
As a winter deckhand, you will work alongside the captains, mate and volunteers. Interest in both the shipboard work and working with people are key, as is a good attitude! Responsibilities include but are not limited to: preparation and varnish of spars and deck structures, tarring rigging, overhauling blocks. Guidance will be given by both captains and by the mate. Working closely with volunteers will be a significant part of this role.
The position is seasonal. It starts immediately and runs until the end of February. Must be 18 or older to apply. 2023 season sailing positions are also available to apply for.
For more information or questions contact Captain Nate Seward or Captain Katelinn Shaw at
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