Photo by Bill Curtsinger

Exercise your right to vote-by Tuesday August 6th

“It’s only a primary” but the primaries matter! Bottom up voting matters. Plus, there are many positions with more than 2 or even 5+ candidates.

Voting is your right and privilege that should never be taken away so exercise it please.

The voting guide you should have received in your mailbox is quite telling and if still not sure, look ’em up online or ask a friend you trust. Get together with friends and have a ballot filling party. Anything that makes it happen so long as your ballot is filled out and signed by you and it gets posted or dropped in the ballot box ON TIME.

Reports are that there is low voter turnout in WA right now. Major conflicts have started by election boycotts and poor turnout and that is bad for everyone.

There is a ballot drop box behind the Courthouse in Port Townsend and if you mail it, it has to be post marked by Monday August 5th.

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