Photo by Bill Curtsinger

Please take this survey

This editor is inclined to participate in anything lead by Kelly Watson. Let’s help her out with real data so our workforce is not overlooked because we didn’t take a minute…Click the orange block to take the survey. There is space to reference your specific business model if you are not in the hiring zone yet.

The Jefferson Community Foundation is generously funding a Jefferson County Workforce Development Data Collection Project to capture key information around what the workforce development and training needs are in our county, what barriers exist to building a strong and skilled local workforce, and what training opportunities are already present in Jefferson County  The goal of this work is to inform a Strategic Workforce Development Plan to increase our skilled local workforce and to increase access to living wage jobs for local residents.

Your specific feedback around technical training needs is invaluable and will directly inform long-term workforce development plans in Jefferson County.  This work will be shared upon completion.

Please take 5 minutes to answer a few questions!

Project Lead Kelley Watson at or text/call #360-531-1494

Take the Survey!

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