Photo by Bill Curtsinger

Sign up as a booth tender for the festival..Sept. 6-8 2024


REMINDER! The Festival is just around the corner!

The PTMTA booth will be located next to the BOATYARD STAGE at the Sea Marine washdown area. Volunteers to tend the booth and welcome presenters are needed. Booth SET-UP is on Thursday September 5th.

The more the merrier!

Please contact PTMARINETRADES@GMAIL.COM (Subject: WBF/PTMTA Booth Tender) or board members, Pat Mahon, Lou Geraghty, Melanya Nordstrom, or Carrie Fiore directly and notify them of your interest so we can nail down times and order wristbands.

As a booth tender you can also explore the show at no cost to you. This is a great opportunity to connect with boat owners and interesting people, to educate and to expand your horizons.

Our Wooden Boat festival is way more than a tourist event and participating as marine trades emphasizes this point. It would be nothing without you.

Come have some fun and help out the crew!

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