The PTMTA is always needing hands and dedicated energy. There are opportunities to join the board of Trustees as a board member and as a part time volunteer. All board trustees are working marine trades people and all are volunteers and more hands make every task more efficient. You/We are Y/OUR trades association.
The Association is still seeking a blog contributor (or two) gleaning relevant information to post for our members and said posts are automatically sent in a summary email every Sunday. EEEZY PEEEZY. (Contact Ashlyn Brown if interested in learning more.)
The PTMTA also welcomes Booth Tenders at the Wooden Boat Festival September 5-8. Contact Pat Mahon.
The Annual General Membership Meeting is coming up as are membership outreach and seat elections.
Got a story idea for the Working Waterfront? Do you like to write ?
There are many more ways than you think to keep our marine trades firmly established and prosperous long into the future.
Never a dull moment! So please consider participating in whatever capacity seems right for you.