Photo by Bill Curtsinger

Correction: PTMTA Annual meeting STARTS AT 5:30pm 11/12

CORRECTION to last week’s post title.


The Annual General Membership meeting

is scheduled from 5:30 pm to 7:30 PM



November 12th from 5:30-7:30pm at the Nomura Building

located at 385 BENEDICT Street across from Harborside Inn. (Downstairs)

The PTMTA currently has one unfilled position and three seats coming due at the end of this year. Do folks out there have anyone they’d like to nominate, or offer themselves up to fill a board position? Please respond to with your nominations.

This is also a great time to renew your membership and make donations to specific funds, so please bring cash, checks or have the means to use a qr code for online payment..

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